Training Vs. Trying

Apr 28, 2024    Pastor Adam Lewis

Am I trying to follow Christ or am I training in the practice of following? Our efforts to try things can be unsuccessful and that can lead to burnout, disappointment, and giving up when it comes to following Christ. If we look at following Christ from the lens of training in his practices and the continued routine making us stronger each day, then we will see our growth over time. Today, we dive deeper into training to live for Christ vs. trying to live for Christ and we also explore the church in Acts 4 and how their training got them through the first line of persecution.  

Group Life Questions:

1. What stuck out to you the most from today's message?

2. Would you say that most of your journey with Christ has been you trying to follow or training to follow? What is the difference to you?

3. In Acts 4, what do Peter and John face early in this chapter and how were they able to get through this tough time? 

4. Read 1 Corinthians 4:16. What is your initial reaction to Paul's words here and is it easier for us to understand what he meant with a little context?

5. Are you living the kind of life that you would want to see multiplied in others? 

6. End your time by praying these verses from Acts 4.  

Pray - Acts 4:31 

Grow - Acts 4:32

Serve - Acts 4:32

Multiply - Acts 4:33